
Mo Al Hosani reveals more about ADXC, future plans and anticipates names of the next card

The next edition of the event, ADXC 4, is scheduled for May 18th, in Paris

Mo Al Hosani at a press conference during ADXC 2 fight week in Abu Dhabi. In the photo, he appears next to Espen Mathiesen, Bruno Lima, Aljamain Sterling and Ffion Davies.
Mo Al Hosani at a press conference during ADXC 2 fight week in Abu Dhabi. In the photo, he appears next to Espen Mathiesen, Bruno Lima, Aljamain Sterling and Ffion Davies. Image: @mjalhousani

Mohammed Jassim Al Hosani is the matchmaker of ADXC super fights, an event that combines Gi and No Gi matches on the same card, all of which inside the cage under a set of rules that implement rounds and a considerably reduced time. All designed with entertainment in mind, stimulating more dynamic fights. In an interview with VF Comunica, Mohammed talks about the current status of the ADXC, an event coveted by athletes from all over the world, plans for the future and the organization’s perception of Brazil, the country that hosted the third edition of the ADXC, held in March in Balneário Camboriú, Santa Catarina.

As this article is being written, preparations for the 4th edition of ADXC are underway in full swing. Paris, the region in focus due to the 2024 Olympics, was the city chosen to host one more event from the company. “The plan is to showcase the talent of that region, so ADXC 4 in France will mostly consist of athletes from Europe in general and France in specific.”. Espen Mathiesen, Ffion Davies and Leon Larman are European athletes confirmed for ADXC 4, according to Mohammed.

Read the full interview bellow!

VF COMUNICA: ADXC is one of the events that has gained more prestige on the scene, with an outstanding structure and the participation of the most renowned athletes. What is the main objective of the event?

MOHAMMED JASSIM AL HOSANI: ADXC aims to become a global player in the Jiu-Jitsu and Grappling industry, but at the same time complement the other organizations out there by adding another ruleset to the mix. The main objective is to get Jiu-Jitsu and Grappling athletes closer to the world of MMA (whether they transition or not), and at the same time get MMA athletes to develop their grappling skills and be active between their fights. All of that while we preserve our production values and fight week activities, which are essential to treating these athletes as professionals.

VF COMUNICA: The fourth edition of ADXC will arrive in Europe, in France, what can we expect from this edition? Do we already have names confirmed?

MOHAMMED JASSIM AL HOSANI: Everywhere we go, the plan is to showcase the talent of that region, so ADXC 4 in France will mostly consist of athletes from Europe in general and France in specific. Some of the world’s top European grapplers will be on the card such as Espen Mathiesen, Ffion Davies and Leon Larman among others.

VF COMUNICA: The format of the card, with Gi and No Gi fights, inside the cage in a reduced fight time, makes the matches much more dynamic. Do you think this format makes the combat more attractive to the public?

MOHAMMED JASSIM AL HOSANI: Yes, I do. I believe that with time, the athletes will be able to grasp the ruleset and be able to accommodate their strategies and performances according to the rules. That’s when we will start seeing entertaining matches on a consistent basis. Right now, the concept is fairly new, especially with athletes competing in the Gi. As we saw with ADXC 3, some of the athletes have performed really well given that for most, it was the first time performing in a cage.

Mo Al Hosani hosted a UFC event at Abu Dhabi Showdown Week.
Mo Al Hosani hosted a UFC event at Abu Dhabi Showdown Week. Image: @mjalhousani

VF COMUNICA: How do you evaluate the ADXC 3 that took place in Brazil, in relation to the public’s reception, the athletes’ performance and the country’s structure?

MOHAMMED JASSIM AL HOSANI: No doubt our best edition yet. Barring a fight or two, every single athlete on the card came to perform. We had a record 6 submissions on this card, which is why we exceptionally decided to give out 6 bonuses to the athletes. We also broke the record for the highest attendance and that wouldn’t happen without the support of the local government in BC and their dedication to making this fight week happen. The ADXC committee are already planning a 2nd event in Brazil this year due to the success of ADXC 3.

VF COMUNICA: Fighting in ADXC is the dream of many athletes. What does an athlete need to have to get your attention?

MOHAMMED JASSIM AL HOSANI: We do give priority to the athletes competing in the AJP circuit, so racking up points and getting on the AJP rankings play a big part in our selection process. We also look at other organizations, but the most important of all is the style and performance of the athlete. Are they exciting athletes? Does their style predict an entertaining performance in the ADXC ruleset? We are focusing our attention on attack-minded athletes with submission rates that are high.

VF COMUNICA: Throughout the year, what are your expectations for more ADXC events? Can we expect another edition in Brazil during this season?

MOHAMMED JASSIM AL HOSANI: Yes, as I mentioned above, and due to the positive reception ADXC 3 garnered from the public in Brazil and the grappling community worldwide, we do plan to come to Brazil again towards the 2nd half of the year. We have also announced 2 events to be held in Abu Dhabi during the UFC’s Showdown Weeks in August and October.

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Written by Emmanuela Oliveira

Emmanuela Oliveira é faixa-marrom de Jiu-Jitsu e formada em Comunicação Social. Dentro do tatame, aprendeu que é possível conjugar Jiu-Jitsu, escrita e o gosto pelas artes visuais em um só pacote.

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