
Guybson Sá reflects on the popularity of Jiu-Jitsu: “Many people turned the sport into a market of belts for money”

Discipline and honesty guide the trajectory of the 4th degree black-belt, still active as athlete

Owner of Spartan Academy, Guybson Sá talks about the issue of graduation conducted irresponsibly by questionable professors. Image: @guybson_sa

With undeniable expertise, Guybson Sá, a 4th degree black-belt, is a competitor and professor who worries about graduation without sufficient technical criteria. An open wound resulting from the expansion of Jiu-Jitsu around the world. The athlete from Ceará, a qualified black-belt, recognizes that the popularity of the sport has brought benefits, such as more competitive tournaments for different athletes in each category, but he does not ignore this fragility, which worries the future of the sport.

“For me, the technical level of the competitions has increased a lot, as we see a lot more competitors in all divisions. But, unfortunately, with the popularity of Jiu-Jitsu, many people got involved on the financial side and turned the sport into a market of belts for money. This will have a very negative impact in the future. I am strictly against giving belts for financial benefits.”, he says.

In a serious relationship with teaching martial arts developed with honesty, Guybson Sá is a name of authority at Spartan Academy, an MMA academy in South Carolina, in the United States. When attracting students and teaching planning, the demand for fight training is made up of different needs.

“Many people join Spartan with the intention of learning for the purpose of self-defense, as well as a sense of well-being, weight loss and anxiety relief. So, I recommend that students try all the classes, because sometimes a practitioner starts with Jiu-Jitsu, but ends up identifying more with Muay Thai and vice versa. For students who want to compete, we identify this desire and do more specific work.”, details the black-belt.

Guybon Sá is involved in training aimed at the IBJJF PanAms

Regarding consistency, Guybson is also a good understander. When identifying athletes with potential, he says that “the greatest form of talent is called discipline”, concluding his reasoning by saying that consistency is a champion’s best friend. Therefore, it is with consistency and discipline that athlete Guybson Sá lives the first days of 2024.

“I am very motivated for this competition season. Last year I had some injuries that slowed me down, but now I’m feeling much better. I’m doing focused preparation for the PanAms in March, but before that I’m going to participate in some Opens to get a feel for what I need to adjust.”, he says, sharing the strategy with the VF Comunica team.

After the Pan, the first major competition the black-belt will face, it is likely that we will see him in action repeatedly throughout the season, with Gi and No Gi. Even returning to MMA, without fighting in the sport since 2016, is a possibility in mind. In the calculation of this route, the title of world champion, in grappling and Jiu-Jitsu, will be a triumphant arrival at the destination.

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Written by Emmanuela Oliveira

Emmanuela Oliveira é faixa-marrom de Jiu-Jitsu e formada em Comunicação Social. Dentro do tatame, aprendeu que é possível conjugar Jiu-Jitsu, escrita e o gosto pelas artes visuais em um só pacote.

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